442.400 MHz, Positive Offset, Tone 151.4

The Raytown UHF Repeater is open to all amateur radio operators. This is a Yaesu Fusion Dual Mode Repeater, with Digital Traffic being the primary mode, which may override any analog traffic without warning. Tone Squelch of 151.4 hertz must be used for all analog input, and is highly recommended for analog receive. The digital side uses the Yaesu Fusion, CD4FM Digital format, and is Wires-X Capable. This repeater is linked to the KC Wide Room

Repeater etiquette

Repeater Info

  • Location: Near 63rd and Arlington Avenue, Raytown, Missouri
  • Sponsor: Raytown Amateur Radio Club
  • Antenna Height:
    • 175' above ground
    • 1033' above sea level
  • Repeater & Power: 30 watts