If you want to be involved in Amateur Radio, you'll want to get the most out of your ham radio experience... you'll want to be involved in a radio club that is involved in activities, projects, and FUN!!!
The Raytown Amateur Radio Club is one of the most active clubs in the area, we are involved in a multitude of events all year long.
Ham Radio Testing: Several members of the club are Volunteer Examiners/VE’s and provide testing opportunities for those who are wishing to obtain their license for the first time, or look at upgrading to the next class. Testing details are on the Home Page.
Custard Net: Every Saturday evening, members of the Raytown Amateur Radio Club get together for an ice cream social at the local Culvers on Douglas Road in Lee's Summit, from 8:00pm to 10:00pm. Anyone is welcome to come and join us, and enjoy fellowship and custard with other like-minded friends!
Weekly On-The-Air Nets: A net is a gathering of hams on the radio. The Raytown Amateur Radio Club hosts multiple nets each week, including our Sunday Night VHF net, where we discuss what is going on with the club, and with radio in the area. Usually, we have a topic of discussion to share with each other as well. Here are a few other nets throughout the week:
Monday @ 1800- POTA and discussion about POTA (Parks on the Air) > 442.400 Mhz Repeater
Tuesday @ 1900- Fishsticks talks about all things on fishing > 442.400 Mhz Repeater
Tuesday @ 2000- Hammetes is a net devoted to our lady hams > 442.400 Mhz Repeater
Wednesday @ 1900- Raytown ARC UHF club net > 442.400 Mhz Repeater
Thursday @ 1930- Elmer Net talks about ham radio and technology > 145.170 Mhz Repeater
Sunday @ 2000- The Raytown ARC Sunday evening club net > 145.170 Mhz Repeater
Sunday @ 2100- Right Wing Wackos covers 2nd Amendment & Shooting sport > 145.170 Mhz Repeater
Field Day: An annual amateur radio exercise, organized by the ARRL (American Radio Relay League), held the fourth full weekend in June each year, gives radio operators an opportunity to put their emergency preparedness and communication skills to the test. The Raytown Amateur Radio Club gets together each year and hosts a field day operating station where club members come out and work stations all over the world. It's an opportunity to hang out with friends, and put your skills to the test.
Missouri QSO Party: Each year the St Louis Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society (BEARS-STL) organizes a QSO party for the entire state of Missouri. The goal is to work as many stations as possible, and hams from all around the world will try to work Missouri Stations. The Raytown Amateur Radio Club has for many years served as a Bonus Station for the Contest, meaning that stations who work us earn extra points. We setup each year and try to work as many stations as possible, it gives club members an opportunity to get together and have some fun on the radio. The club sets up equipment, and many members bring their own. We usually work SSB, CW, and Digital on a variety of bands.
Monthly Club Meetings: Held the fourth Thursday at 7:00 pm each month. The meetings are a great opportunity to catch up with friends, hear about club news and business, and includes a program presentation.
Summer Picnics: Spontaneous get togethers when weather permits!
Holiday Gatherings: The annual holiday appreciation dinner recognizes leaders and club member for their contributions to the hobby and the club.
Special Radio Events: We have a number of members who participate in Parks On The Air, and other Ham Radio sports. Sometimes, events are organized around these aspects of the hobby.