About Us
Getting the Most from Your Ham Radio Experience
If you want to be involved in Amateur Radio, you’ll want to get the most out of your Ham Radio Experience. You’ll want to join a Radio Club that is involved in activities, projects, and fun! Why not join the Raytown Amateur Radio Club?
Membership Application - mail to address on the form or bring to our monthly meeting.
Membership Application - mail to address on the form or bring to our monthly meeting.
Here's what Raytown Amateur Radio Club (RARC) has to offer:
RARC has members experienced in the many diverse aspects of Amateur Radio who are there to assist YOU:Get Involved!
- Antenna Theory and Design
- Radio Contesting
- High Frequency DX (Long Distance) Communication - more info
- VHF and UHF DX (Long Distance) Communication - more info
- Packet Radio
- Amateur Radio Satellite Communication
- EME ⁄ Moon Bounce Communication
- CW (Morse Code) Communication
- Radio “Fox Hunting”
- Low Power (QRP) Communication - more info
- Kit Building
- Amateur Testing (VE) - more info
- Public Service
Get Involved!
- Annual Field Day Activities
- Weekly Social
- Weekly 2m Net
- Weekly 440 UHF Net
- Weekly UHF Fusion Digital Net
- Monthly Meetings
- Project Activities
- Summer Picnics
- Holiday Gatherings
- Special Radio Events